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Red Square Medical | Guest blog - Captain Kelly Gordon

We’re finishing the year off with what we think is one of our very best guest blogs. You may have seen this month's guest before - in the world of social media, or at one of the Superyacht shows. But one thing is for sure, you will have been inspired by her down to earth attitude and love of her work and the crew around her. A true team player, welcome to the Red Square Medical guest blog, Captain Kelly Gordon!

Hi everyone, I’m Captain Kelly Gordon and it might surprise you to hear that I grew up inland in the state of Indiana, where the only coastline is a tiny little bit of Lake Michigan!

I didn’t really set out to become a Superyacht Captain, and prior to taking this path, I was actually a Chemistry Professor and it was completely by accident that I was introduced to the industry! But the literal minute that I stepped onto a yacht, I just knew!

I double dipped for a while, with yachting and teaching, as the boat that I was working on wes in the same town that I taught from. As time went on, I got more and more obsessed with yachting and realised that I wasn’t getting the intrinsic reward that I needed from teaching anymore. I am very, very adamant that if you are educating the future leaders of our communities and world, you darn well need to be passionate about it!

So, when I started to lose that passion, I knew it was time to leave the task to someone else. Yachting ticks all the boxes for me, both personally and professionally. What’s funny though, is that I quickly missed teaching and found myself teaching onboard all the time. Then came ‘The Captain’s Classroom’!


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© 2025 by Captain Kelly J. Gordon. 

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